It seems obvious to focus anti-aging efforts on our faces. After all, that’s the first thing people see and the most visible part of who we are. But what about the rest of our bodies? Other areas need anti-aging TLC, too. Not sure where else you need to think about? We’re here to help.
The skin on your face is delicate and needs those creams, lotions and serums you apply daily in order to maintain a youthful glow, but there are other spots to think about when it comes to anti-aging skin care. These include your neck, chest, hands, arms and legs.
Why anti-age elsewhere?
If you’re wondering why you would need to think about areas like your neck and hands, there are a few reasons. Think about how much exposure to the sun your hands get. They’re rarely covered and end up exposed to the sun’s rays more than most other body parts.
Your neck, chest and arms also get their fair share of sun exposure and you’re likely not as diligent with applying sun protection to those areas, especially if you’re not at the beach or lying by the pool.
But sun exposure ages skin — all over, not just the face.
Legs, too, can suffer a similar sun-damaged fate, but they can also end up with other issues such as cellulite, unsightly veins and sagging, all of which can age a person.
What can you do?
Now that you know your neck, arms, chest, legs and hands also need to be taken care of when it comes to the quest for younger-looking skin, there are a few things you can do to turn back the clock or at least slow the aging process. To start with, focus on sun protection.
As the neckline starts to loosen in your 30s and 40s, start thinking about laser tightening treatments such as Pellevé, Precision or Pollogen, which can help to firm up the area. Lasers like IPL (intense pulsed light)and fractional resurfacing lasers can improve neck skin color and texture.
Along with applying sunscreen diligently since the skin on your chest is so thin, you can improve the look of current damage with fillers for deep creases, and the same lasers as your neck, or radio frequency tightening such as Thermage.
Also your esthetician can preform a light peel to help keep creepy skin at bay.
When it comes to fighting off the signs of aging here, Fillers such as Hyalunoric acid based Restalyne or Sculptra for plumping and IPL or q-switched lasers for taking care of brown spots. Talk to us and we would be happy to refer you to a great dermatologist to see which might be right for you.
Turn back the clock with the help of the same lasers suggested for hands (arms get brown spots, too). You can also use topical retinoids to help thicken the skin and build collagen. Radio frequency treatments can help tighten loose upper arm skin.
For legs, try radio frequency treatments to decrease cellulite and to firm the skin above the knees. If veins are an issue, treat them with sclerotherapy (a procedure used to fade veins), lasers or surgical removal of the veins. Talk to your doctor about your options.
To find out more about any of these anti-aging treatments or schedule a time to meet Trina, please feel free to drop us a line at or call 323-570-2664.